Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Research Paper Topics About Music - Learn to Connect Music With Your Class

Research Paper Topics About Music - Learn to Connect Music With Your ClassSo, now that you've had a chance to give some thought to some ideas for your next music composition class presentation, you are probably wondering how to select which music compositions you will write on, as well as some of the more persuasive research paper topics. You can really simplify this process if you keep these tips in mind and then have fun with it.First, figure out your overall theme and approach to the assignment. This may not be the most obvious of ideas, but if your instructor is encouraging students to communicate ideas in a clear and non-confrontational way, you will be very effective. Perhaps they will even encourage you to include music in your research paper presentation. Make sure to be as creative as possible.If you find yourself having trouble coming up with a good topic for your music composition class presentation, consider the way you would convey that idea to an audience. After all, it could be taken for granted that everyone knows their own hometowns and knows someone personally that can vouch for them.If, however, the audience is unfamiliar with the person's place of origin, it will be more difficult to present this person as helpful and the obvious assumption is that they do not exist. You might consider making this person a villain instead of a friend or colleague. (Depending on the level of your music composition class, you may be required to write a presentation on each character in the piece, but make sure that you allow for adequate time to allow everyone to know the character and to care about them.)Think about any popular musical compositions that you like. Make sure that you consider and include in your research paper a demonstration of this new music's influence or significance in their lives, or make sure that you include the melody in a supporting role (for example, to illustrate some key points in the piece) and that there is some interaction betwe en the melody and some form of background music (e.g., a vocalist playing a harmonica).Take a moment to look over the words and themes of the particular piece you've chosen to demonstrate to your class. Make sure to write down how they stand out and that they support the overall theme of the composition.In addition to writing about the music that supports the notes in your research paper, you can also help students by writing about their own interests and connections to music. 'Blues' for example, might be quite different from 'folk' for example. If you can pinpoint and explain the difference in your composition, you can be sure that your presentation will be more effective than if you can't.Even if you find that your course for music composition class will require you to learn to play a couple of instruments, try to see if you can relate to the instrument instead of simply writing about it. For example, if you know a student who sings in a choir, you might consider writing about th e group's singing techniques and the social world they belong to. You'll find that this is one of the easiest ways to get your presentation under way.

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