Saturday, December 28, 2019

Essay about Eth/125 Week 4 Quiz 2 - 1445 Words

University of Phoenix Material Quiz 2 Week 4 Quiz - Ch. 5 Schaefer (2012) This is a multiple choice/short answer quiz and each item is worth 1.5 points for a total of 60 points. There is only one correct response for each numbered item, and you should use Schaefer (2012) to determine the best response. For multiple choice questions, type the letter of the correct answer next to the corresponding question number on the answer sheet. For short answer responses, type your answer next to the corresponding question number. Review your work prior to submission and make sure you have responded to all questions. Save your work and submit the Quiz Answer Sheet only to the Assignments Link. 1. The largest ancestral group of European†¦show more content†¦d. not important to Americans. 16. Which of the following would NOT be considered a White ethnic group? a. Jews b. Italians c. Chinese d. Swedes 17. The fundamentalist religious faiths include all of the following EXCEPT a. Southern Baptists b. American Baptists c. Missouri Synod Lutherans d. Assembly of God 18. In terms of the proportion of college graduates, the most educated religious group is a. Episcopalian. b. Presbyterian. c. Jewish. d. Muslim. 19. In terms of the proportion of college graduates, the least educated religious group is a. Lutheran. b. Baptist. c. Muslim. d. Mormon. 20. The maintenance of one’s ethnic ties in a way that can assist with assimilation in larger society is known as a. ethnic paradox. b. assimilation paradox. c. religious paradox. d. Amish paradox. 21. The 1962 Supreme Court decision Engel v. Vitale ruled which of the following unconstitutional? a. Christmas displays in public schools b. teaching creationism c. certain religious activities in schools d. school prayer 22. Secessionist minorities are groups that a. reject assimilation and coexistence. b. favor cultural pluralism. c. believe in a literal translation of the Bible. d. favor most of the values and beliefs of the dominant culture. 23. In 1995, the Supreme Court ruled that privately sponsored religious

Friday, December 20, 2019

William Golding s Lord Of The Flies - 1913 Words

To be an effective society, itÅ› important to have a few key qualities such as teamwork or cooperation and order. These make achieving goals much easier, and in the end, it leads to success by completing the tasks needed to get towards the goal, whether that be obtaining food or conquering an entire continent. In Golding s Lord of the Flies, a lack of mutual respect between the leaders and followers as well as the failure to unite themselves to work together for the same goals, resulted in chaos, and ultimately, the division and failure of their society on the island. Without respect in their society, a balance of fear and friendliness, nobody follows the rules and commands given, and almost none of the boys remain loyal followers to†¦show more content†¦In order to have an effective society, it really requires a group effort with effort from everyone to make it happen. Ralph and Piggy begin to expose the problems with a group divided when scolding Jack. â€Å"‘I w as chief, and you were going to do what I said. You talk. But you can’t even build huts- then you go off hunting and let out the fire [...] This job was too much. We needed everyone. [...] You could have had everyone when the shelters were finished. But you had to hunt-’† (70-71 Golding) The followers are some of the most important and influential people in the success or deterioration of a society. Ralph was their leader, but not only did people not listen to him, they also didn’t do what he told them to do. Without enough followers listening to him, they were unable to keep the fire going, Ralph’s main goal which could’ve helped bring rescue to them. It was much more difficult, and the boys were unable to efficiently and effectively work to accomplish their goal, the main event that lead to the group fights. Since Jack and some other boys didn’t listen to their leader, they not only hurt their chances of rescue and survival, but spli t the group, turning friends into enemies which lead to multiple unnecessary and unwarranted deaths on the island. Ralph was too friendly, and the boys betrayed him, but they didn’t openly betray Jack because he

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Retention Strategy free essay sample

Wally should notice that if turnover rate still increasing, this is threat to Wally’s company and it will fail to expand his strategies even will facing bankrupt in the future. Some argue that sometimes the employee turnover is good for weed out the lower level talent, but generally employee turnover is associated with cost (Anonymous 2008). Studies have shown that turnover rates can carry a price tag across the United States of $25 billion annually, with the cost of hiring and training an hourly worker at 300 to 700 times the worker’s hourly wage (Mckeown 2010). According to recent study, in every industry, companies face the challenge of retaining the talent (Siegfried 2008). Retention strategy is a challenge to organization and is the critical to the long-term growth and success of the business (Siegfried 2008). Retaining key talent and keeping productivity high will surely help the organization to succeed and get back into growth mode. Retention strategy is critically important for Wally to retain his employee to stay and work for him. Furthermore, the major issues in Wally’s case will be analysed and identify the major issues in the Wally’s case. This essay will focus on how to reduce the turnover rate in Wally’s company and give recommendations to solve those weaknesses to retain the employee stay. Identification of major issues According to a Society for Human Resource Management survey, the top three reasons why employees leave their organization are because they want better compensation and more benefits, they are dissatisfied with their potential career development, and the last, which they are ready for new experiences. In contrast, most general studies show that working conditions, development opportunities and recognition are all large contributors to employee retention. (Anonymous 2008) In the Wally’s case, the salary for the attendant’s job is the major issue. Attendants, which is a car washes worker and also responsible for maintenance and repair work on the machinery. In addition, attendants also needs to provide customer services by asking customer if they have any requests and try to fulfills all their needs. However, attendants start at a base pay of $12 per hour with small automatic raises at a month and one year. In the case, most of complaints from attendants are salary is not competitive relative to other full-services car washes or many other entry-level jobs in the area. Remuneration is pay and benefit that received by the individuals for their contribution to the company (Stone 2008). In the Wally’s company, pay is not relative even that all attendants must share equally in a customer tip pool but not according to their performance on the job. Better compensation or remuneration from another competitor has make the Wally lost the talent in his company. Most of the attendants willing resign their current job and go for the higher paid and better compensation than Wally’s company. Others than salary, the Wally’s company also gives the lack of appreciation, recognition, and reward to their employees. Reward need to give according to the employee’s performance but not just according to their ranking. Since the salaries is low, and Wally still provide little welfare to his employees. This disappointed the employees and lost the trust to Wally for did not provide anything welfare and leave then go for another company. People leave the managers more often than they leave the organization (Shilling n. d). Most of employees will leave the irresponsible managers and go for another good conditional workplace. In the Wally’s company, attendants receive brief training from manager before start working and most of the training from manager is hit or miss. Furthermore, manager also provide no feedback or coaching from attendants complaints, this may be disappointed the attendants. Wally also did not give any feedback according to his evaluation of the manager’s performance. So, the manager also will not know their performance, and do not how to improve their performance in the working place. Feedback is especially important in developing and retaining new hires as the effective feedback can helps them understand what they are doing and builds the confidence and helps them to improve their performance (Branham 2005). Exit interview is very important to help organization to ascertain the reasons why people are choosing to move on (Lanigan 2008). Exit interviews with departing employees are to provide valuable information that can use to retain remaining staff (Holbeche 2003). Wally did not conduct any exit interview when the employees leave the company. The information was left by the employee always be forthcoming with information for fear of leaving on a bad note. Most of the complaints from the attendants are unreliable and Wally simply believes this without do any further investigation. Possible solution The greatest retention challenge is not how to reduce turnover. Rather, it is how to create such a deep, unified commitment to the organizational vision that employees will be reluctant to server that bond (McCampbell, Stinchcomb and Leip 2009). Patricia, Schuster and Dertien state that: â€Å" Fast-growth companies have chosen an integrated view of total compensation and total rewards. They focus on career growth, including career opportunities for all employees, career acceleration for key talent, and technical career-tracks and skill-pay programs.